Plain American Language

I cut a sliver/of WC William's finger
and placed it inside/my philosophy...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"Haz un parentesis a tu vida" (revised)

The slow closing of
(a breath in: warm
two arms are lovely
simple, browned a bit

by hair and sun, they
collect everything: spring weather
the gathering of clouds
my elbows & hands that shudder
like oak leaves,
close and warm as

the horizontal lines of a forehead)
my tired eyes at night.

1 comment:

Olgasmic said...

I like the concept of the paranthesis, but now where the first is placed - very disruptive. Imagery is lovely, but perhaps choose the strongest stuff. If this is the passing of the moment, choosing the fewer poignant words is key. nice job!